Nature Activity Idea List

Nature Activity Idea List

At 365 with Nature we are passionate about building a healthier future for people and the planet. By committing to connect with nature every day, you can support the movement of improving the well-being of yourself and our beautiful world. To get you motivated and inspired, we have listed 365 ways you can connect with nature. Browse this list and […]

The Power of One Hour: Transforming Lives with the 365 with Nature Challenge

The Power of One Hour: Transforming Lives with the 365 with Nature Challenge

In the hustle of modern life, where screens often replace skies and footsteps on pavement drown out the rustling of leaves, the 365 with Nature Challenge emerges as a beacon of hope and transformation. This initiative, grounded in the simple yet profound commitment to connect with nature for one hour each day, is more than just a challenge; it’s a […]

How to Get Started with Gardening Even If You Only Have a Windowsill

How to Get Started with Gardening Even If You Only Have a Windowsill

Gardening is a rewarding hobby that brings beauty, tranquility, and a sense of accomplishment to those who partake in it. However, for many city dwellers or those without access to outdoor space, the idea of starting a garden may seem like a distant dream. Fortunately, even the smallest of spaces, such as a windowsill, can be transformed into a thriving […]

Foraging: What Is It, How to Do It, Why Give It a Try

Foraging: What Is It, How to Do It, Why Give It a Try

Foraging, the ancient practice of searching for and harvesting wild food resources, is experiencing a resurgence in popularity as people seek closer connections with nature and more sustainable ways of living. This primal pursuit, once essential for human survival, now offers a unique opportunity to enrich our diets, deepen our understanding of the natural world, and foster a greater appreciation […]

Embracing Sustainability: Simple Daily Acts to Protect Our Planet

Embracing Sustainability: Simple Daily Acts to Protect Our Planet

As we navigate through our daily lives, often caught up in the hustle and bustle of work, technology, and urban living, it’s crucial to remember our connection to the natural world. This article is not just a call to action but a reminder of the small, yet significant steps we can take every day to live in harmony with our […]

Eco-Friendly Practices for the Mindful Traveler

Eco-Friendly Practices for the Mindful Traveler

Travel opens our eyes to the beauty and diversity of our world, offering unique experiences and insights that enrich our lives. However, the footprint left behind by travelers can often have unintended consequences on the environment and local communities. Consider this the guide for those seeking to explore the world in a sustainable and respectful manner, ensuring that the wonders […]

20 Ways to Minimize Your Carbon Footprint

20 Ways to Minimize Your Carbon Footprint

In the face of climate change, reducing our carbon footprint—the total amount of greenhouse gases our actions generate—is more crucial than ever. A smaller carbon footprint means a healthier planet for future generations. This article offers a comprehensive guide to making lifestyle choices that have a positive impact on the environment. 1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Adopt the three Rs as […]